Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Using Material Generators in the Classroom

Interactive Whiteboards
My school district has purchased Promethean boards for every classroom, which have quickly become a part of daily classroom instruction.  I use my Promethean board to project activities, text, or graphics from my computer and the use the Promethean pen to write on top of the items.  Daily, my students lead the Calendar Math lesson on the Promethean board.  My students are able to write, manipulate, and add items to the Calendar Math lesson as needed.  I am able to create flipcharts in ActivInspire to use in my daily lessons.  ActivInspire also allows me to create assessments where students use clicker-based devices to respond.  These assessments give me individual responses in the format of a graph.  This way, I can address misconceptions that I see during my lesson.  I can also create a spreadsheet of the answers for each student so I can know exactly which student struggled on each question.

Web Design Software
My school district provides every teacher with a classroom website.  Through web design, I am able to adjust the website to best meet my students' and parents' needs.  On my website, I post announcements, my classroom schedule, weekly homework, and spelling words.  I also have additional links to the instructional games and websites that my students can access at home.  I would like to add more links to iPad apps that my students can download on their devices at home as well.

Worksheet Generators
With the transition to Common Core Math Standards, my district has to use a lot of outside resources for assessments and homework assignments.  I found many worksheet generators like www.themathworksheetsite.com and www.math-aids.com that would create any kind of math worksheet that I needed.  I was able to adjust the questions to the needs of my students.  These were a wonderful math resource this year!


  1. I love using the interactive white boards in my class. I used it in all my lessons. great key points made.

  2. Nice points made.It is important to get the children involved during class. And being interactive and keeping the students and their parents updated and posted on what is going on in class is very important.
